You take one piece of soul.
You tickle it with the tip of your fingers while you are saying loud some stories about butterfiles,turtles, japanese faraway kindoms and other bedtime stories.
You whisper some sweet words on it when suddenly you kiss it ; but this time with the ''tip'' of your lips.
You sing and play and cry and wonder and smile and trust with it for a couple of months.
You wish to live in peace and joy and happiness with it for a couple of years.
You promise to never be apart and start to paint and create some special origami games made from your own soul ''paper'' and give it to the other one.
You start to reinvent yourself taking into consideration the others worries and learn how to draw together the story ot the ''Two Souls'' writed by one soul only.
You have to misunderstand some things and run away sad and come back after a while chersihing like never before your Soul.
You dream with four eyes and plan the unknown future cause you don't know how is looking like but you are young and full of hopes.
You put all this together and the result is nothing more or less than a Life lived together a couple of months.
You then ruin the dreams and yell the words that were whispers a time ago.You stop to wish,to promise,to reinvet,even to misunderstand, because now everything is called Past.
But you give the other Soul freedom...
And every human being can enjoy this feeling.
And each of all the planet souls can feel saved in this way.You love...and then set free.
This is how you can save a life...
Sa iubesti nu inseamna neaparat sa ingradesti libertatea. Poate ca ai toata libertatea din lume intr-o relatie, dar la finalul ei, cand totul este trecut, te amagesti treptat si te autoconvingi ca ti-ai redobandit libertatea. Incepi sa o pretuiesti, desi o aveai si inainte. Nu poti face nimic altceva caci ea este singura ce iti mai ramane. Amintirile dor uneori. Depoziteaza'le undeva si depune praf peste ele pentru ca deja le-ai exploatat.
I think love can become something that can decrease your feeling of freedom. Of course both parties have to accept compromises. That doesn't matter as long as you really love each other. But when the love fades, the loss of freedom persists and becomes perceivable.
If you are the person who breaks the relation because of this, you feel free again, I think. If you are the person who is being abandoned you feel hurt!
I think the best thing in a relationship is not to continue, when you see, that it won't work. And I think someone can find out this really fast. If two persons are really really in love, then they should try it together... and I think that, if it is true love and the love fades away after some years, then it fades away in both souls. You are going to feel that there is something going wrong, and if you are integer to yourself (what you should be during a relationship) and don't readjust to please your partner, then the partner is going to sense it. I think it is the moment, when a couple has to be very honest: They have to admit – well, the feeling of love is still there, but not as strong as in the beginning, it's fading away before it is too late to change something.
It smell's like Jacques hand here...Am I wrong?:)
I agree mostly but there is also something...else.Like the ''unseen''side,which always exist.Deep in each and every one of us.
Dupa ce ti-am citit articolul,chiar la piesa celor de la The Fray ma gandeam.Dupa care am vazut ca ai atasat clipul.Buna sincronizarea ;)
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