25 Jul 2011

Cartile ca oamenii

Cartile sunt ca oamenii .

Ele se vor a fi mangaiate
iar eu sunt un om ca o carte.

Filele-mi prafuite tanjesc
sa fie sterse de o mana de Artist .

Cartile sunt ca Artistii.

Ei se vor a fi mangaiati
caci ei sunt ca o carte.

Filele lor prafuite  tanjesc
a fi sterse de mana unei Sfinxe fara secrete.

1 Jul 2011

Unbearable Desire pointed even by the light?

Can you touch, smell, see, hear, taste me?

From my window

From my window
you can see the sea,
eating the seagulls soul.

I am nothing but a statue
when standing still,
I am witnessing the birds
spiritual death.

With every single flying soul
There is a rainbow,
showing on the sky.

Today were two of them up there-
the second one was mine.